Frequently Asked Q about us

About Dhamma on Campus (DOC)... 

What is Dhamma on Campus? 

"Dhamma on Campus - the Bodhi Fellowship" or "大专佛学团契" is a youth Buddhist fellowship in INTEC that is organized for ALL youths in the campus.DOC provides a platform where everyone can interact, gather, worship, get involved, have fun and enjoy the friendships that evolve during fellowship.
DOC aims to help, support and care for ALL students spiritually, emotionally and socially. That means, everyone will learn, discover, grow, and find purpose in life. Besides, you can get to know the greatest friend you will ever have here.

What is the meaning of "Dhamma" and "Bodhi"?
-Dhamma (Pāli: धम्म) or Dharma (Sanskrit: धर्म) in Buddhism has two primary meanings:
1) the teachings of the Buddha which lead to enlightenment (The Universal law of nature) 
2) the constituent factors of the experienced world (The characteristic of elements)
-Bodhi (Sanskrit: बोधि) is both a Pāli and Sanskrit word traditionally translated as "enlightenment", but more accurately translated as "awakening" or "to know". The word "Buddha" means "one who has awakened."

Why do we have Dhamma on Campus?
- To provide a place of belonging for students, friendship and encouragement for practicing Dhamma in their daily life and get into the right tract in the campus life.
- To provides students an access to seek for spiritual consultation from Dhamma in leading to a healthier, stress-less, successful and holy life
-To encourage and develop a society with love, wisdom, compassion and gratitude.
- A place of relaxation in the midst of a stressful week in college

Who is in DOC? 
All students in INTEC, especially youth Buddhist. 
Since our members come from so many Buddhist tradition backgrounds (Mahayana/Theravada...), you will find a wonderful mix and unity of different practices of Buddhism and ways of worship.

What goes on in Dhamma on Campus? 
A lot of activities! Every week, we will gather all together and play games to strengthen existing friendship, as well as meet new friends. Every Sunday, we will go outing to SABS to attend Dhamma Talk presented by experienced Dhamma teachers to share about a specific topic that related to us with the teaching of the Buddha. So that we can actually apply and practice Dhamma in our daily life. You’ll surely be blessed and feel enlightened as you listen! 
Most of the activities like camp, Dhamma Talk, worship and service will be conducted at Shah Alam Buddhist Temple (SABS) on Sunday morning, 9.00 am. While others, like games and fellowship will be conducted outside the campus. Check out our blog and group at facebook for updates! =) 

Any transport available?
Free transport (van/bus) will be provided. Pick-up points are at Cendana and Akasia bus stop, starting from 8.15 am on Sunday. Please kindly contact our leaders if you require transport to attend our activities. 

What should I do if I require more information?
Please feel free to e-mail us at 
or contact your facilitators or our leader --> Laura (for girls): 014-8818958 or Leong Wei Hung (for boys): 012-4062923
we will try to get to you as soon as possible.

**No matter who you are, all are always welcome and highly encouraged to come to Dhamma on Campus!!
Sukhi Hontu!

-Leong WH