Friday, August 17, 2012

DOC Buddhism Learning Camp

It's been a while since the camp ended. The less-than-formal report should have been posted much earlier, but I hope it isn't too late to now have a flashback at the memorabilia we had shared.

Date: 20 July ~ 22 July 2012

Venue: Shah Alam Buddhist Society (SABS)

No. of Participants: » 50

Having been blessed with the continuous support from SABS, the DOC Buddhism Learning Camp was organised to preach Buddhism better among youths from INTEC and KTT (Kolej Teknologi Timur).

After a quicker than ever registration (as complimented), the ice breaking session had, in my opinion, assured an exciting opening to the camp. It wasn't just about the dance, games or water, but was how participants had showed their passion and enjoyed learning new friends, despite a few flaws of the programme; a thousand apologies from the organising committee.

queuing for registration

dancing the camp song 携手向前 

water game during ice breaking

The self-aspiring presentations named "Buddha in Your Heart" 你心中的释迦牟尼 had certainly strengthened our understanding of and respect to the enlightened Buddha before the opening ceremony kick-started at night. It's simple and simply an honour for us to have received motivational words from the President of SABS, Dato Vincent Lim and our beloved mentor, Brother Kevin.

speech by the President

Three Acts of Goodness Pledge

As the invited speakers and groups came to deliver, share or discuss the Dharma on the second day, participants had got the opportunities to grasp Buddha's teaching in greater depth. We shall be grateful to have speech from Venerable Shih Miao Hau 妙豪法师, discussion with seniors from Dong Zen Institute of Buddhist Studies 东禅佛教学院周日佛学班, dharma sharing led by Venerable K. Siridhamma Thero, and not to forget, the singing session conducted by the Bodhi Group 菩提工作坊.

Venerable Shih Miao Hau and her fellow students

the Bodhi Group

Venerable K. Siridhamma and the speakers

The message of thanking and appreciating life possessions were being conveyed throughout the camp, especially during the sharing and review of the movie Invictus. Most games and short videos were also meant to inspire participants to live life on Buddha's teaching.

On Sunday, besides taking part in SABS' activities (Parents' Day), participants were exposed with the basics of 团康活动 by Mr M. C. Lee 李明锭老师, marking an end to the camp with laughter and dance.

a picture with Mr Lee

performance by OC during closing ceremony

Definitely photos couldn't tell all stories from the camp, but as long as the affection towards learning, practising and spreading the noble Dharma has grown fonder, I believe the best memory would continue to enrich everyone's life the Three Acts of Goodness 三好(做好事、说好话、存好心).

Once again, the organising committee would like to extend our heartiest appreciation to whoever had contributed to the success of this camp, especially KTT friends who had come all the way from Sepang to support us. And a big thank you to our home, SABS.

May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with you and your family always.

the photographer

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